Friday, September 13, 2013

Syria and chemical weapons

A blank sheet of paper and the title of the piece reflects the decade's most important historic turning point
I have strong opinions on the middle east so have to be careful not to go off on a rant

So chemical weapons have been used in Syria that is fact who used them that's disputed, probably Government forces, but at what level of government were they authorised to be used ?
Well that's for a future court of history to debate what we need to do is get them out of reach of those who would use them, no mater which side

how do we do this well I have a proposal which will make UN and Governments of United States, EU, Russia, Ukraine China and Syria scramble for a reason it can not work

here it is
the UN Security council motion should be detailed as follows

Syria will surrender all chemical weapons to inspectors, who will have full access to any area they require, they will be assisted by as large a  protection force as required, this force will be permitted to use as much force as they deem required to carry out mission
The protection force will be provided by the Army of the Peoples Republic of China, all other members of the security council will provide such support as the inspectors and or protection force request of them

The chemical weapons and delivery systems will be transported to a former Soviet union chemicals weapon base in the republic of Ukraine which will be manned by a UN Chemical weapons disposal team, where they will be destroyed.
A simple plan, yes, maybe that will be the problem

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